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Brand Positioning
Brand Architecture
Vision & Mission
Brand Story
Brand Identity
Brand Style Guide

Agelimit is a company that aims to help people live an exquisite & healthy lifestyle with a series of trendsetting & natural healthcare, skincare & household products. They engaged us to do a rebranding exercise to deliver the correct brand messaging to their audiences.

The Shining

This concept leans more towards grandeur lifestyle as compared to the organic lifestyle. Every people is unique and should be treated equally important in our life. Hence, every person is like a diamond, and if it’s treated well, everyone will shine and portray a ray of colors.

Design Elements
& Colors

The tone of skin and nature inspires the brand colors. There are two main categories of the color series: the Corporate Brand and the Product Series. The color series of nude, gold & black for Corporate Brand expresses the sense of luxury, while the color palettes for the Product Collections follow the color themes from Earth, Green & Water.

The graphic elements help to enhance the identity of the brand. Each graphic element has its function:

Diamond Flare Icons:
These icons derived from the logo represent the product series (healthcare, skincare, and household). They help differentiate the products within the brand yet maintain a strong relationship with the mother brand.

Highlight Bar:
The simple charcoal black bar highlights important messages or calls to action. It enables the audience to read quickly and make the decision faster.

Line Separator:
The lines separate the paragraphs.

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