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Architecture & Interior

BYD Showroom




Facade Concept & Design
Space Planning
3D Visualisation & Concept
Material & Furniture Selection

BYD or Build Your Dreams, is a Chinese multinational company that produces automobiles, batteries, and other technology products. They engage us for their interior design of their Malaysia branches to reflect their brand identity and values, which emphasize sustainability, technology, and innovation.

Innovation & Sustainability

We will create a modern and functional space that reflects BYD's commitment to innovation and sustainability. We use a color palette of neutral grays, whites, incorporate more vibrant colors to reflect their cutting-edge technology. Natural materials such as wood will be incorporated to add warmth to the space. The design will prioritize functionality, with an emphasis on creating an efficient and productive workspace for employees. Overall, the interior design will be a reflection of BYD's values and vision for the future of sustainable technology.

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