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De One Catalogue Design


HPL Manufacturer


Catalogue Concept & Design
Art Direction
Packaging Mechanism
Material Section

De One Laminate is a brand under Siam Paper Laminates Co. Ltd., located in Bangkok, Thailand, which provides a complete production line from resin manufacturing to pressing the high-pressure laminates. They engaged us for their catalogue redesign, which can promote their products and introduce their brand to the market.

Urbanism with
Art and

The concept is inspired by a square, which symbolizes equality, direct, and precise. As a High-Pressure Laminate expert, De One believes in quality and is always in line with the trend; they are confident in setting an urban lifestyle aligned with the art and creativity that carpenters and designers hold. On a side note, the overall color scheme of grey express neutrality, balance, formality, and urbanism, which highlight all the materials.


De One is a company that constantly innovates and launches new products to the market. Hence, we proposed to have an add-on leaflet to promote their seasonal material with beautiful interior renderings.

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