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Architecture & Interior

Hsu Yee House




Interior design
Space Planning
3D Visualisation & Concept
Material & Furniture Selection

Hsu Yee is a city dweller who has a great appreciation for natural elements and minimalist designwith the goal of creating a space that feels more grounded and peaceful. Our design team is thrilled to help her achieve this goal. We will work to create a living space that incorporates the key principles of wabi sabi-imperfection, simplicity, and natural beauty while still meeting the functional needs of modern living.


we create a serene and calming space that is perfect for a single lady who values simplicity and authenticity. The design will incorporate the key principles of wabi sabi - imperfection, simplicity, and natural beauty - to create a space that feels grounded and peaceful. By using a muted color palette, natural materials and textures, and simple, elegant furniture with clean lines.will add a sense of intimacy and coziness.

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