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Architecture & Interior  /  Branding

Maison Vista Sales Gallery & Show Unit




Facade Concept & Design
Space Planning
3D Visualisation & Concept
Material & Furniture Selection
Technical Drawing
Site Management
Interior & Environment

Maison Vista is a property which located in Taman Bukit Serdang, Seri Kembangan,t It’s a A place that brings you peace, serenity and in pulse with nature. Encapsulating contemporary living and cozy lifestyle that you call home. They approached us for both branding and interior design.

The Vibrant

We change the common perception of staying in a resort. The synergy of vibrancy and youthful energy with a natural, peaceful environment uniquely positions the project. We hope people would enjoy the relaxing moment, live a convenient urban life, and have all the activities in one with the complete facilities in just one place.

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